This blood test is specifically designed to provide women with the most comprehensive check-up.
It gives you vital information about a wide range of very important health conditions. Having a blood test today can add years of health and wellness to your life. The conditions tested for very often take many years for symptoms to develop and some do not show any symptoms at all, but if not tested for, in the meantime, untreated, damage is being done.
A full blood count tests for haemoglobin levels, red cells, white cells and platelets. This checks for anaemia and can also give early insight into a very wide range of blood diseases and health conditions that are commonly slow to become apparent from symptoms. It adds vital insight into the activity of your immune system and your clotting function.
This profile will tell you if you have diabetes (HbA1c) – there are over 1 million people with diabetes who do not know they have it. Finding out will enable you to make the lifestyle changes and start treatments that will significantly lengthen your life and improve how you feel every day.
Your thyroid function is tested. at least 1 in every 8 women will have problems with their thyroid function during their lifetime and it is notoriously difficult to diagnose thyroid problems by symptoms or medical examination. It is a blood test that gives you the definitive answer and can potentially avoid months, and often years, of unexplained tiredness, hair loss, weight problems, menstrual problems and more.
It includes a full cholesterol profile analysing over 5 parameters. Over 40% of adults have high cholesterol levels which is a very significant risk factor for heart attacks and strokes. The only way to detect if you have high cholesterol is through a blood test. It will enable you to make the changes you need to reduce your risk of some of the most common causes of death.
Generalised inflammation is tested with a high sensitivity C-reactive protein level. Firstly Inflammation is bad for your heart. A high level can also indicate the presence of a very wide range of other health problems like autoimmune disease, bacterial infections, osteomyelitis, pelvic inflammatory disease and inflammatory bowel disease.
Hormones tested for are oestrogen, luteinising hormone and progesterone. These three hormones can give valuable information about fertility, menopause and more.
A full iron status profile, including ferritin is analysed. Iron is essential to maintain blood health (among other things) and your current levels and storage capacity are very important indicators for many health conditions.
Vitamins tested are Vitamin B12 and Folate which are essential for health blood and other systems. Vitamin D is included. Over 1 in 6 people are Vitamin D deficient and this is higher at the end of winter and in people who cover their skin. Low Vitamin D levels cause a wide array of misery including muscle and bone pain, pins and needles, muscle weakness and more. It also increases the risks of a range of cancers. You need a blood test to determine exactly how low your levels are so you can follow the right treatment plan to restore your health and wellness.
This profile also checks your liver function. Your liver is probably the most complex and vital organ in your body. It does such a wide range of things including digesting all your food and removing toxins and poisons – like alcohol. Finding that your liver is being stressed can make a huge difference to its (and your) long term health and wellness.
Included is a kidney function test. Your kidney is also a vital organ. Checking that it is working properly is done primarily by blood tests which will give you the opportunity to get treatment early if any is needed.
It checks your bone health with a calcium level, which is vital for bones and many other bodily systems, and checks you muscle health with creatine kinase which can show if you have damaged muscles. It checks for gout which can be altered dramatically with lifestyle and treatment and can cause a lot of misery if ignored.
This profile includes 58 health indicators and because of its extensive size needs a phlebotomy sample.
Biomarker(s) Measured: Vitamin B12, Haematocrit, Alkaline Phosphatase, Free T4 (thyroxine), White Cell Count, estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR), Lymphocytes, Mean Platelet Volume, Folate, Transferrin Saturation, Unsaturated Iron-Binding Capacity, Total Iron-Binding Capacity, Haemoglobin, Total Protein, Globulin, Mean Cell Volume (MCV), Creatine Kinase, Triglyceride, Gamma Glutamyl Transferase, Low Density Lipoprotein, High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) Cholesterol, Cholesterol – Total, Total Cholesterol : HDL Ratio, Urea, Calcium, Mean Cell Haemoglobin, Mean Cell Haemoglobin Concentration, Red Cell Distribution Width, HbA1c (Glycosylated Haemoglobin), Red Cell Count, Platelet Count, Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, HDL percentage, High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein, Urate (Uric acid), Monocytes, Total Bilirubin, Alanine Transaminase, Follicular Stimulating Hormone, Creatinine, Luteinizing Hormone, Ferritin, Basophils, Iron, Albumin, Adjusted Calcium, Magnesium, Oestradiol (E2), Eosinophils, Aspartate Aminotransferase, Neutrophils, Vitamin D (25-OH)